Oct 23, 2017
Most of us go through our day unaware of how our brain is continuously filtering everything our senses are picking up. This filtering means we are only left with the information we really need and we don’t get sensory overload. This week we talk to Caroline who explains to us what happens when those filters are not working as they should.
Caroline shares the journey of her son James as they navigate the diagnosis maze. She talks about the importance of putting the puzzle of diagnosis together in order to be able to start to figure out the strategies that work for James.
Caroline talks about how finding out that James had auditory processing disorder fundamentally changed the way he was being taught in school. She explains not only what this disorder is in everyday language but also how it impacts on James and the strategies they use to help him.
The impact of finding out that James also has sensory processing disorder is also talked about by Caroline. She explains in an easy to understand way what exactly this is and helps us understand how much we don’t know and don’t think about our own senses.
If you have ever wondered how to help someone you know cope with a world they sometimes find overwhelming, then you will find value in this podcast. Caroline has a knack of explaining in an easy to understand way some of the possible reasons why overload happens. More importantly she shares some of the strategies that helps her son James move forward and learn to manage sensory overload.
For resources to support you on your journey visit redgiraffesolutions.com.